Can I split my ordered quantity into multiple versions of my design?

Each quantity/item added to your cart will only allow 1 version to be attached to your upload.

If you choose 1 side, it means you are required to upload 1 pdf of 1 page. 

If you choose 2 sides, it means you are required to upload 1 pdf of 2 pages. 

If the product allows for multiple versions or pages, you will then be required to upload a PDF with the exact number of pages as your selection. 

How do I know if the product calculator allows for multiple versions?

For example: 

Question: I'm looking to order 3000 Hang Tags and I have 6 different designs.

Answer: You will need to add the item 6 times to your shopping cart at 500 per version. 

We highly recommend you use the project title field to help identify each version added to the shopping cart.

You may contact our support team at if you have any questions. 

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