Custom Boxes FAQ

Do you provide a sample of my custom box before printing?

Yes in most cases when you're creating a new custom box we highly recommend that you order your box by selecting Sample Required with your order. We also called them CAD samples main to test the accuracy of the structural design.

Do you print Pantone ink on custom box packaging?

Yes, we do print using Pantone inks however there are certain ways to order custom boxes with Pantone ink printing. If our product page does not have the option for Pantone inks under the Ink and Colour choices, you may want to request a custom estimate.

Can I order blank white boxes with my custom size?

Yes, simply choose the size that you need or define the LxWxD (Length, Width, Depth) of your box, then choose No Colour from your printing options. Keep note that you will still need to upload a file however, it would be the die-line that you downloaded without any added artwork.

Can you deliver my custom boxes faster if we paid extra?

We can certainly produce your packaging box quickly once we have an idea of your requirements. The best thing to do is contact our support team and we'll be able to tell you if it's doable based on the current production capacity.

Do you ship large orders of custom boxes by freight?

Yes, when your custom boxes order is over 300lbs we choose a more cost-effective transportation method such as freight. At checkout, you will be given the option to view your shipping rates and options.

Do you charge for die-cutting tools and plates?

When you order custom packaging from our website the cost of tools and plates are included in the price. Our product calculator will also offer standard sizes from the dropdown which will save you the cost of the die since we already have it.

What is a die-cutting tool or a steel rule die?

A die tool is required to cut the box to its flat shape before it gets glued and folded. A die-cutting tool can vary in price based on the size of the box, the quantity, and the type of box you're looking to make.

How much does die tool cost?

If you are doing a small paper board box for a cosmetic product or a product of similar size you could typically pay around $150 to $250 if the quantity of your order is low. When you reach a higher volume of boxes, we will make a multi-up die if the quantity is around 25,000 boxes or more. The more ups on a layout or the larger the surface of a die, the higher the price would be for the tool. 

Why is a corrugate flexo die more expensive than a paper board box?

Flexo corrugate die is much larger in size and has a cylindrical shape to them which makes them more costly to make. Whereas a flat sheet die that runs on letterpress up to a Bobst platten die cutter can be produced much quicker and cheaper than a cylindrical die tool.

What are ECMA standards?

European Carton Makers Association (ECMA) has developed standards for folding cartons making the packaging industry follow the same guidelines for manufacturing. 

ECMA is mainly focused on 5 key objectives:

1. Production Efficiency and Performance

2. Packaging Folding Carton Safe for Food and Health

3. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Packaging

4. Remain Positioned as a Global Association for Folding Carton Packaging 

5. Maintain ECMA's Recognition for Folding Carton Die-Lines

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