Notepad Printing With Pantone FAQ

What does Pantone mean? 

Pantone is a colour matching system that is a standard in the printing industry. In this system, each ink is defined by its own number, and this number lets the printer know the exact recipe for getting a specific colour tone. Pantone inks are pre-mixed, and this pre-made ink is used on the printing press, which ensures colour consistency throughout the print run.

How do I add Pantone colours to my artwork?

To create Pantone artwork with Adobe software, follow the instructions in these two articles:

How to create a Pantone ink design in Adobe Illustrator

How to create a Pantone ink design in Adobe InDesign

I only need my logo on the Notepads, can you do that for me?

Yes. In this case, when you create an online order you can click on send my files later and you can simply email us your logo file so we can finish the design.

Can you add a magnetic back to Notepads?

Yes, however, the Installation of a magnet requires a custom quote. You can email us for the quote request.

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