What Is The Difference Between Lamination And AQ Coating

Lamination is the process of adhering a plastic film to a sheet of paper, while AQ coating applies a water-based liquid coat that is cured using heat. Lamination is much more durable, making it suitable for packaging that will be used long-term. AQ coating is more cost-effective while still providing a moderate amount of protection.

Lamination (Silk/Gloss/Soft Touch)

Lamination provides structure and the highest protection from moisture compared to other coating types. It also has high dust resistance, and it is tear-resistant. If your packaging will stay in storage for some time, it is a good idea to use lamination for protection. 

Silk (Matte) Lamination

Silk (Matte) Lamination is the usual choice for luxury brands. It offers a simple but elegant look of the packaging. High-class packaging that does not tend to look shiny benefits from matte lamination. The negative side is that it can be prone to fingertips and scratching.

To create a memorable and professional-looking design for your packaging, you can combine matte lamination with a spot UV coating. 

Gloss Lamination

Gloss Lamination gives a more vibrant look to your design and intensifies the colours. It is ideal for high-usage products that will be repeatedly touched, as it is a very durable finishing option. It will make the colours of your eye-catching design even more noticeable and attractive.

Soft-touch Lamination

Soft-touch Lamination gives a similar look as matte lamination but with added depth. It appeals to the sense of touch and gives a luxurious feel to the packaging. It provides extra protection from fingerprints and scratches. Soft-touch lamination will give your packaging elegance that can be both seen and felt. Keep in mind that if your design is rich in colours, soft-touch lamination will dull the colours to an extent.

Semi-Gloss AQ

Semi-Gloss AQ (short for Aqueous Coating) is a semi-gloss, environmentally friendly, water-based coating that provides additional gloss and protection. You can write on it with a ballpoint pen. This coating can be applied to one or both sides of the printed piece. It provides a bit of texture to the packaging without distracting the eye.

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