How do I get a quote or estimate?

You can get a quote for all standard products automatically on our website.

Getting a quote for one-sheet products

1. From the main menu, choose the product you want to print (for example, brochures). 

2. Make your selection for each of the product options. In case you are not sure what certain options are, hover over the i icon to get more information.

3. Once you have selected every product option, choose the print quantity and whether you want a digital or a hard copy proof. The price for your order will be automatically generated.

If the options that you are looking for are not available on the website, you can email our customer support at to ask for a custom estimate. Please note, custom estimates may require 24 to 48 hours for an estimator to review and get back to you with a written quote.

Getting a quote for printing books

It is the exact same process as explained above, only for books you will first make your selection for the cover, and then for the inside pages.

Getting a quote for custom packaging

1. Go to Newprint's Custom Packaging page.

2. Choose the type of box that you need.

3. Type in the required box size and click Preview. Choose the paper type and print quantity. Scroll further down the page to select digital or hard copy proof. Your quote will be generated automatically based on your selection.

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